First Listing on Etsy
The first listing went on this evening. Nerve wracking-yes, but pleasantly pleasing as well. It's nice to have that "I did it" feeling and it was fun sharing the event in real time with Amy on-line and Sarah on the phone. The wonders of cyber.
More listings on Etsy tomorrow. More kits and paper tags. Next week will be purses. Some of you remember my purses from a few years back. I have found the most amazing fabrics and cannot wait to turn them into my cross body bags.
I must welcome my dear friend Kristin to blog world. Her second post contains a photo of a little boy very near and dear to my heart. Ricky came to work with his Mom every day and since Mom was so busy with clients and phone calls, I was able to feed, rock and play with that sweetness all day at my desk, for most of his first year. We were best buds. Look at that smile. sigh
This house is counting down the days to Graduation. Ben is coming in and Hannah is thrilled because until yesterday we were sure he could not make it because of work obligations. Hannah's graduation and Ben home. Perfection. All in all, a great day. I am blessed.