
I am completing items for my new Etsy shop and it has been an exciting and exhausting experience. I'm sure the photography and uploading gets easier as time goes on, and I have already learned the hard way to click those SAVE buttons frequently.

The first listings will be ephemera boxes, full of goodies for journals, crafting, and cards, or the box would make a lovely gift for the creative person in your life. The boxes are wrapped in burlap and twine, then hand sewn in place. Topped with a cabbage rose and handmade tag, even the wrapping can be used for creating.

ephemera box

Once opened the box is bursting with goodies.
Crowns, nests, ribbons, chenille, tags galore, even twigs!

The next listings will be handmade tags nestled in
their own envelope bags. Crowns, birds, a pocket watch,
Merci, and more.

Today I'm working on the next round of boxes.
The plan is to have everything on
by Friday.

It is supposed to be under 100 degrees today, maybe I'll venture out
to a few craft stores for inspiration, and then I HAVE to mow the back yard.
I pushed the mower back there on Sunday. So far, I gaze at it
through the kitchen window, waiting for the yard fairy I guess.