First sale on Etsy
I had my first 2 sales on Etsy this morning and it feels good. I'm going to be sending a special surprise in the box to the buyer to thank her for being my first cyber customer.
Now that I have figured out all the logistical stuff, it is back up to the studio to get creating. I have so many ideas running through my head 24 -7 that I really need to add an extra day to my week. Let's see Friday, Saturday, Sunday...Getitdoneday? Proof I need it? The mower is still sitting in the exact same spot and the grass is still growing taller! What IS that? A complete mental block? Hannah, bless her heart, said she will rake and mow tonight when it is cooler.
On a more serious note, Sue, a dear friend of mine and a friend to some of you also, is facing a serious health issue. We will all know more after she sees her oncologist on Tuesday, but I am asking that you keep her in your thoughts and prayers, or add her to your prayer lists. Another friend of ours, Samantha, who is LDS, has added Sue to their prayer list and as she puts it, "it will circle the globe". For now, Sue is holding strong and has an amazing attitude and loving support from friends and family.
Two more weeks and Ben will be home, and Hannah will be crazy with parties and celebrations, and I will have no time for working, so I am going to go get busy right now.
Everyone have a safe and Happy Holiday weekend, and please pause, post hot-dog or beer, to remember those who are no longer with us.
I will leave you with a silly line.
"Happiness isn't happiness without a violin playing goat." (now, do you know where that line came from?)
Now that I have figured out all the logistical stuff, it is back up to the studio to get creating. I have so many ideas running through my head 24 -7 that I really need to add an extra day to my week. Let's see Friday, Saturday, Sunday...Getitdoneday? Proof I need it? The mower is still sitting in the exact same spot and the grass is still growing taller! What IS that? A complete mental block? Hannah, bless her heart, said she will rake and mow tonight when it is cooler.
On a more serious note, Sue, a dear friend of mine and a friend to some of you also, is facing a serious health issue. We will all know more after she sees her oncologist on Tuesday, but I am asking that you keep her in your thoughts and prayers, or add her to your prayer lists. Another friend of ours, Samantha, who is LDS, has added Sue to their prayer list and as she puts it, "it will circle the globe". For now, Sue is holding strong and has an amazing attitude and loving support from friends and family.
Two more weeks and Ben will be home, and Hannah will be crazy with parties and celebrations, and I will have no time for working, so I am going to go get busy right now.
Everyone have a safe and Happy Holiday weekend, and please pause, post hot-dog or beer, to remember those who are no longer with us.
I will leave you with a silly line.
"Happiness isn't happiness without a violin playing goat." (now, do you know where that line came from?)