Sneak peek Queen of Hearts

Queen of Hearts Gathering
A few of the projects:
Rosebud and peppermint heart soaps
Paper mache ornaments
Embroidered linen sachets filled with lavender
Soft pink and ivory rose petal pillow
and three more!

Registration deadline is Saturday the 24th

Hannah is back from her DC adventure and she has wonderful tales of the experience. Dozens of painting ideas came to her and she is anxious to get started on a few. That means a mess in the computer room for weeks on end but it is worth it.

The news from Portland: Ben is now the Art Director at his magazine. Mom says "Hooray"

I don't know about you, but I am still glowing from all the Inauguration festivities. I started watching at 4am, took a break from 5pm-7 and watched again from 7- bedtime. It was so much fun to see Green Valley marching by the reviewing stand playing Viva Las Vegas.

I'm looking forward to seeing so many of you this weekend at the sale. Looks like we will have great weather.