Just a reminder about the garage sale the 24th. Previews Friday the 23rd only beginning at 6:00. Be advised this does not mean that everything will be out Friday night, some things won't arrive till Saturday morning. As most of you know, sometimes I start pulling stuff out of boxes in the garage in the "spirit of the sale". You just never know.

Hannah is enjoying the trip to Philadelphia and will leave tomorrow for DC for the Inauguration.
I am thrilled that she has this opportunity. No, I have not lost my mind, these are Steeler colors, and I want to be supportive for tomorrow's game, and I am bored this evening.

I will be posting a sneak peek of Queen of Hearts later this week, so check back. There are still spots available. Deadline for registration is the 24th.

It is a very historic week coming up. Let's hold good thoughts for the country, and hope for us all.
oldgreymare1 Comment