Basket Washing Day
Anyone else give their baskets a good bath now and then?
I don't soak, I quickly, thoroughly spray, then wipe,
and set to dry where they will dry
completely and quickly without heat.
I took a basket weaving class early 90's
from a wonderful instructor
and like most things I take on,
I quickly became obsessed and the baskets
were rapidly breeding.
Several moms from the same elementary school
my kids attended also took the classes
and we then went on to meet and weave once a week.
I've kept a few I made like these, and
another apple harvest one that I painted white
and several smaller ones.
I also have two very old ones made a very long
time ago by talented craftsmen that I treasure.
So why today did I begin washing baskets?
Because furniture is on the move
around oldgreymare.
Yep, it is time for several minor,
and a few major shakeups.
Stay tuned