Pretty - It Ain't Pretty

My pineapple guava in bloom for the first time 

after it's planting last Spring.

My bay laurel tree ( where bay leaves come from)

Peeking in from the right



Ain't Pretty


Organized chaos 

Tomorrow we set up for preview

to invited guests

with the sale then on Saturday.

Of course the heat has arrived and the wind -

Of course!

This is only about 1/2 of the sale stuff

Furniture and two racks of clothing not pictured.

Not all mine - 2 gals joining in and now I hear

the kids are bringing sale stuff in their cars lol

Long day Friday, 

but we'll get 'er done.

Kids will be here by late tonight.

We hit the ground running early in the morning.

I have promised myself that no matter what,

anything of mine left over is to be donated.


Even if I have to go inside while the kids fill the SUV 

so I cannot see what is going. Even if it takes several trips.

I am in love with empty drawers and closets,

the clean spaces under the beds, and shelf after shelf 

empty in the garage.

I am getting an inkling that this may cause

a rebirth of creativity for me as I feel that

finally all the flotsam and jetsam is gone.

I have been dreaming of paint and canvas 

and quilting. Yes! After all this time.


Breath of fresh air,

and lord knows I need air.