Coffee Tales

(if you're looking for WW post it is below)

Ever have one of those days when the universe smiles upon you?
OK I'm dramatizing, but I was so Happy I could have done a jig
and did do a little wiggle waggle in the car
on the way through the drive through.
I forgot the beginning.

So, my friend Paula gave me a Starbucks card today after
I finished pruning her bushes.
Yes, it seems I'll add that to my repertoire of services.
SORRY off the track again.

After I ran my errands I decided to make use of the card with a frappuccino.
I know, it's too many calories, unhealthy ( lalalalalala, I'm not listening).
When asked what I wanted I sighed and said I cannot have what
I really want since you stopped serving the Dark Chocolate Cherry....
and she says " but no, we still have some, what size would you like?"
WELL, you may wonder why I was so chatty with a Starbucks gal,
whose name is Sam by the way, but until darling daughter returns
I crave human conversation, and look what occurred
because of my chatty cathyness.
Again, I DIGRESS....

The point is I had a Vente Dark Chocolate Cherry Frap today and I am happy.
SO Happy...TOO caffeinated but Happy.
I have to skip dinner of course but Happy.
Although all my other Starbucks ( that's embarrassing)
have stopped serving the DCC fraps,
Sam says their joint has more syrup under the counter.
I asked her to put my name on it.
Since Sam and I are now BFF's, do you think she will?

Thank you universe.

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