More than Soldiers

From the Morning Observer Washington Pennsylvania

"Venetia Sept 21, 1942- Nearly a year ago, Mrs. Robert Rennie knit
a sweater during the Bundles for Britain campaign,
and before she turned in it to the local committee,
her son David put a note in the pocket.
Last week David received the following letter from England:"

All letters were being inspected and opened.
It is dated August 17, 1942
It was my father David , who received this letter.
My Grandmother Nettie, a schoolteacher, had him
write the note to a child far away trapped in the throes of war.

"Dear David,

"Just a line to thank you for your very kind and thoughtful note which you put in a little jacket.

"Of course, you wish us a Merry Christmas, but we have just received your little message and it Aug 16th. As you ask for a reply, I am only too pleased to write on behalf of my daughter Sheila who is just beginning to write. Of course, you will understand - she will be eight in October. I thought I would answer for her, as we have suffered terribly in this war.

"But now your country is at our side. We were ever so pleased when America came in to help get it over. Air raids are dreadful, but we still carry on just hoping and praying for that day when Peace comes.

"It was ever so nice to read those few lines from you - how thoughtful. "God Bless You." I have just brought Sheila back from the country as she was evacuated away for 11 months, suffering with a nervous breakdown owing to the air raids. But she is getting along nicely now and we are ever so pleased.

"If you care to write to us, we will sure be proud of our American friends. I do hope you get this letter.

"Cheerio and good luck from,

"Miss Sheila Luxon
153 Solebay St
Burdett Road, Mile End
London, England "

Many more than soldiers and their families should be remembered
today. Thousands of children carry the scars, fears and horror of
wars. Bearing these as medals of honor, of their survival.
Memorial Day 2010
Remembering and praying for Peace.


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