A Different Kind Of Mothers Day

Erin said it beautifully here.

After you've stuffed yourself at the restaurant, opened your gifts,
and enjoyed your Mothers Day flowers, pause a moment and think of
all the women, who will have a different kind of Mothers Day on Sunday.

Yes, there are tragedies everywhere; they seem to arise one after the other,
and you have financial issues of your own.
But I'm asking you, if you haven't already given this year to
help someone else to have a better life or an easier one,
then please consider sharing of yourself:

Tennessee would be a good place to start.

Mothering: verb [trans.] look after kindly and protectively
There are many ways to mother, and the female of the species not only births the world but mothers the world in turn.

The people of Tennessee have suffered greatly this past week, their tragedy a bit lost amidst all the others. They need our/your help.
Your local Red Cross, or the TN Red Cross would be
happy to receive whatever you can spare.

Happy Mothers Day
