White Wednesday Recalling Past Gardens

Darling daughter took some of these photos a few years back and when I saw
them today; I decided they were prettier than what I was planning to use.

They are all taken in our back yard garden.

All the roses I have were gifts from my children on my
birthday or Mother's Day, and the three trees in the back
yard are from Mother's Day .

Yes, I collect the pine cones from this tree every year and use them
for crafting and display. I have been known to gather the neighbors
cones also if they leave them too long on the ground.

This rose bush came from dearest son on one summer afternoon when he
was barely a teenager. Very unceremoniously he handed it to me with a
"here Mom, this is for you." It is always the first to bloom every Spring.

This big pine in the front yard is a haven and roost spot to many types of birds.
Every spring and summer it is filled with morning doves that coo
right outside the bedroom windows.

One of my favorite photos. This is at a nearby park

Don't forget to visit all the other WW's at the link over there to the right
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