Creamy White Pearls

So here is the story.
I am not a beader, but I have several friends who are.
They are incredible jewelry artists and designers.
Heather French, an amazing quilter and bead artist designed a lovely bird necklace.
Several other friends, Suzie, Sarah and Jan were all getting together to make the necklace
and graciously included me, a total non-beader to join them. I had done some
minimal wire wrapping a few years back, but I thought I would give it a go,
besides the girls are fun and we would go to eat after....of course!
So, last weekend we all spent a fun day working on our necklaces and today while we were
together eating lunch (sense a theme here?) at Panera, Jan showed us her finished one.
Jan's is slightly different from the original design because we all used vintage pieces.
The pic was taken on the table top at Panera so please excuse the quality.
I just had to show you how talented and wonderful these gals are and as
soon as I get pics of the other ones I will post. Mine is a work in progress.

Please join all the other White Wednesdays over there-----> at the WW Link,
and congratulate Kathleen on her 500th Follower! Yeah Kathleen!

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