Sneaky Peekey Slinky Pinky WW #196

OK you've got me. Not exactly a WW, but hear me out. I've spent the day putting together all the fun kits for A Blushing Valentine, the Gathering I'm teaching this weekend. The dining table is covered with kits and chocolate. Such surprises await my students. This way they get a peek. It's getting late, and well, these PINK AND WHITE goodie bags will just have to suffice. Besides it is so close to Valentine's Day, you cannot ignore the pink, it's everywhere.

Don't forget about my 200th post give-away- It's a great box of Old Grey Mare, all for you if you are the winner. See the rules here. 4 more posts until the winner is announced.

Stop by all the other White Wednesdays, (they have lots of white) hosted by Kathleen of Faded Charm, by linking over there to the left. MckLinkey makes it super easy.
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