Reuse - Recycle & Make it WHITE

A friend who scavenges found this lovely which had been put out for the trash. I paid him $15.00 for it. One drawer says it is from the O'Neill photo company, O'Neill Nebraska. Two shallow drawers top and bottom, which have dividers and one large
(looks like 2) middle one.

It originally had a very stained and torn leather top. That took me hours to remove and scrape off all the glue, about 4 months ago. Guess I became distracted.

My constant companions, getting into everything, including the paint.

Deer in the headlights again....

Howie investigating- whoops his treat fell in there! Can you see it?

I find it impossible to paint without getting it everywhere!

and left

You would think I had not used one of these at all.

Almost there - drawers are next.

I rushed putting the drawers in so I could take the pic but it is still out in the garage drying completely. Now, I have to decide if I want to grunge it up or not. I'm leaning toward not. I get the feeling "she" is happy with her fresh coat of paint and fresh, clean WHITE look.

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