16 years later #198
A few of the gals in the thick of it. The coffees are out, chocolates have been opened....No one even paused to look up! Remember how pretty the table looked at the start?
My creative history began at age 12 with my first embroidery, first knitting, first hooked rug, and my first quilting lesson from Grandma Rennie. (I couldn't decide which I preferred) I started teaching quilting classes in my home when Darling Daughter was 3. Some years I taught many classes, some years as I was working outside the home, I taught few. I made good solid friendships through shows, teaching in shops and my home, and I was able to help the family finances so that I could stay home with the kids.
I had classes that spotlighted paper, wool, pillows, wall hangings, and full size quilts. We made soap, made paper, made jewelry, stuffed dolls, stuffed animals, sewed aprons, cut wood, hammered and nailed. Themes around Holidays were popular and I think I covered everything but St Patricks Day and Presidents Day. We painted, glittered, sewed, hooked, felted, punched, cross stitched, primitive stitched, embroidered, stenciled, paper mached and planted.
16 years. I had a few students who took a class and disappeared. I have many more who took one and came back every year, and a few who came to nearly every one. Women who came to learn, to share, to get out of the house, to relax, to form friendships, to connect with other like minded women. We shared tales of marriage, problem offspring, financial woes, divorce, anger, sorrow, births, grand-parenting, illness, even death. We were shocked, dismayed, worried, humored, joyful and tearful.
We are women. Strong women. We walked in a door, strangers to each other, and within minutes we shared our most heartfelt thoughts about anything and everything.
We are women. Strong women. We tackle a new technique or project, trusting that the woman sitting next to us, will help and guide us as we do the same in return, and we laugh together at shared mistakes. We are women. Strong women.
I couldn't have done this all these years if the benefits did not tip the scales. Because I taught classes, I had to be creative, not just want to be. Because I taught classes I had to plan and co-ordinate. Because I taught classes I made wonderful friends, who created beautiful things for the people that they love. Because I taught classes, I started a blog, where I made new friends who inspire me to be creative. The circle is unbroken.
Although this is the end of my planned Gatherings, there will still be the opportunity for custom Gatherings in the future. Even so, this is an ending.
I am grateful to every one of you who have supported me through all my ventures and I hope you'll come along on some of my new ones.
With heartfelt thanks and gratitude,