Time for change-White to Dark Woods

After many years of making my own advents and teaching students how to make theirs, I came across this beauty at Matilda's Mouse in 08, and snatched it right up. I do not know the artist's name. It has hung above my computer desk since then. I'm planning to convert it to a glitter laden Christmas advent, like the one I sold in December, retaining most of the pieces, just adding more glitter and gleam.

Receive a 25% off coupon and free shipping from PB and look what happens! The white advent disappears and in it's place, these new charmers. What fun it will be to find treasures to fill up the 50 cubbies and because each has 25 spaces it will still be a Holiday advent countdown!

Under my desk are these constant companions. Justice on the left, Eisenhower (Howie) on the right. Both look like deer caught in the headlights. Say the word "stay" and they freeze like that. Cracks me up! Since several people have inquired, these guys are cocker spaniels, never wearing a cocker cut, no one ever knows. They are Roans, tri colors, which you seldom see. I've only seen these two. We originally had Liberty, our beautiful Golden, and Justice. After Liberty died, we acquired another cocker and I refused to name him For All. We wanted something political and after much discussion..EISENHOWER, My Dad's favorite president was named. Odd, in a very liberal household. I wanted to call him IKE, but darling daughter's Howie won out. Of course she was right.
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