
Beautiful, wonderful, college women all crowded on the den couch, watching silly movies they enjoyed years ago. Political discussions, a few arguments about the merits of certain current TV shows and movies, stories of first semesters at UNR, Washington Jefferson, Vassar and NYU. Stories from MIT flew in today.

Darling daughter and Vassar pal escaped New York on one of the last flights out Saturday morning after a near miss of plane due to missteps in subway travel. They got blooming lost--- and barely made the airport only to discover Vassar pal was overbooked and darling daughter had to board plane without friend, and was seated tearfully, afraid of leaving friend stranded in NY. At the very last second, friend was boarded and all was well and they arrived one hour early, barely allowing parents to arrive on time.

This morning, four lovely women for breakfast of banana chocolate chip pancakes. Four lovely all grown up girls playfully dueling with pajama strings. I have been near weeping for 24 hours now. Every grown up scene, every childlike scene makes me weepy with joy. Darling daughter decided to nap mid day with me in my bed, and were quickly joined by 2 pooches. Heaven.

Dearest son home in three days and it will be Heaven plus 1. sigh...and another huge sigh.....

Friday evening was my Starry Night party and it was a joyous event for me to dine and share with good friends. I enjoyed surprising everyone with treats and gifts. The joy really is in the giving. I managed, but just barely, to get all the food out at the same time and of course I made tons of food, and have leftovers but the kids will take care of that. The roasted red pepper and artichoke dip was a big hit so I will share that. Many of the ladies also brought delicious dips and treats that are so appreciated.

The Holiday week is off to a wonderful start and will include shopping and dining and a house full of college kids and my friends and it is a most Wonderful time of the year.

I am hopeful that your home is also filled with JOY and many blessings.

1 cup fresh parm cheese grated
1/2 cup mayo
8 oz cream cheese softened
1 garlic clove minced
14 oz artichoke hearts drained and chopped
1/3 cup chopped roasted red bell peppers. I use half the jar from trader joes that has yellow and red and just pick out the red ones but be wild and use both if you want!

I have a small chopper I use to blend it all together, but leave the artichokes and peppers pretty large, but you can chop it all smooth. I put into small cooker( mini crock pot thingie) cover and heat up. I heat up for about one hour and then serve. Stir it occasionally. Crackers or the potato cheddar bread from Traders is also great as dippers.
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