White Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday

* I added another note to this post late Tuesday evening.

Said with cotton balls in the mouth.....What am I the Godfather? No, I am just very busy, so here are some pics of my home, and a client's home I am working on this weekend, all mixed together. I have an early jump on WW and this will probably be my only post for this week. Come back after the weekend to see show pics and other Holiday Goodies. Having a blast, but weary is just around the corner. 20 days till kids! Think I'm counting the days? You bet!

*Tuesday evening nearly midnight. Well, except for a new banner for my booth, I am finished with everything for the show. Thanks to my band of cheerleaders, always ready with their pom poms. I am going to try very hard (with reminders from the gal pals) to get lots of pics since I took NONE of the items that I made. I remembered everything else I needed down to the most minute details, but forgot to document the process, so please come back to see those pics soon. There are still dozens of things on my "to make" list that did not get made, but there is always another day, and maybe I'll make them before Christmas to keep for my home. I had set a pretty hefty goal for myself and early this am I passed the retail amount I had hoped to reach.

Tomorrow I am making an old grey mare pendant banner similar to the BOO one in the last Gathering. Then I want to start on some hostess gifts since the Holiday parties are beginning. Today at Target I was perusing all the special holiday foods and gift sets, and Oh, don't you just love this time of year? I wanted one of everything, the special spicy nuts, the chocolate dipped pretzels, the chip dip mixes, chipotle and red bell pepper.

I'm sure that Target has less inventory this year, but what they do have is quite nice, and I love the melamine dinnerware sets for kids in the MARTHA colors of blue and green with penguins. Don't get me started on the blue and green dog stockings and sweaters on sale! Hannah would never let me live it down if I dressed the dogs, but dang they were cute. I put one little Halloween cap on Howie a few years back, and I'm still hearing about it!

I am pretty well booked for the remainder of the year but there are still a few days available for client holiday decorating, organizing and party planning. Just a reminder, the discount rate ends December 31, 2009.
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