Holiday Baubles and Blessings

It is a new and different place I find myself in this Holiday season. On one hand, I have been so busy decorating clients homes that the idea of Holiday decorating at mine seems less than joyful. But in 44 days the kids return from opposite northern ends of the country and I want them to return to the kind of Christmas that they remember and have it as festive as it can possibly be. So out come the trees and the glitter is flying. It is a winter wonderland in the midst of the desert.

Lots of these will be made.

A couple of these

and one of these in every room

I am working on a Holiday booth this entire month, so I am trying to concentrate 3/4 of each day on the booth and 1/4 on home decor. Hopefully this will result in both tasks being completed by the 1st of December. Note* I never mastered juggling.

Hannah's friends will soon be piled on the sofas and the tv will be blasting. I cannot wait. Junk food must be stocked and loads of cookies baked. Taking inventory of my friends, almost all of them have grown children who live close by or still live at home for various reasons. They are unfamiliar with this melancholy that I court occasionally. I am thrilled for my kid's successes but do they have to occur so very far away? In short, I miss them terribly and if it were not for free long distance and iChat, I don't think I could survive this with any semblance of dignity. I am thrilled that our relationship is such that they are equally excited about returning home...murmurings of "there's no place like home, there's no place like home."

I will count my blessings every moment that they are here and approach this decorating with elfish enthusiasm. Pics will be posted as it all develops. ha! a witticism.