Studios, Garages and Bedrooms, OH MY!

I am having way too much fun. I have said it before, doing what you love to do is a blessing, and I am blessed. I am very busy working with some great women and having a blast. We are organizing ourselves into a tizzy and staying very busy.

When the organizing is finished the Holiday decorating begins! Many of you are unaware I used to decorate Christmas trees as a full time job. 75 different themed trees each season. One of the trees was three stories high through holes cut into the barn floors. In order to decorate between floors I used to hang upside down through the hole with someone holding my legs. This was long before OSHA. Can you imagine? The stupidity of youth, but I LOVED it.

I have several clients already booking in November and I only have limited days available in December, so if you're thinking about some help.....and yes, I'm still at reduced rates until 2010.

I want to relate some very good news. My dear friend Sue is doing very well, nearly completed with chemo and her latest PET scan shows no sign of cancer. She has been amazing through all of this, brave and strong and we are all thrilled and relieved. Sue has some radiation still to go, but then she can start preparing for her trip this summer to Russia! You go girl!

I will try to get a White Wednesday in, but I make no promises. Clients come first. Maybe I can photograph white at their houses! hmmmmm better go pack the camera in the car.

61 days till darling daughter comes home for winter break. sigh
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