Skeletons Explained
I have had several inquiries this morning about the skeleton's in yesterday's post. I thought it would be faster to just repeat this post from 10/4/08 to explain where they came from. I do miss polished. I loved contributing my ideas there, because Beth challenged me every month, and that is great for the energy and creative flow. SO many good things ended because of this drat economy.

Just walked to the mailbox and this was waiting for me. October's cover of polished features my Skeleton couple and I am thrilled! I guess all three Stoddards are having a good month. I am very grateful to Managing Editor Beth Schwartz and Contributing Photographer Jim Decker who make every shoot so much fun and offer encouragement and valuable advice.
Just walked to the mailbox and this was waiting for me. October's cover of polished features my Skeleton couple and I am thrilled! I guess all three Stoddards are having a good month. I am very grateful to Managing Editor Beth Schwartz and Contributing Photographer Jim Decker who make every shoot so much fun and offer encouragement and valuable advice.