New York August 09

"boy did you get lucky!" That is what we heard all weekend as I moved my daughter into her dorm. She got the newly refurbished part of the dorm, an apartment style dorm. New appliances, carpet, paint. Brand new cafeteria, IN her dorm, no walking in the snow and rain to go eat.

We arrived fully prepared for a 4 hour nightmare just to get an elevator (we had been warned) and in less than 10 minutes from the time our driver dropped us at the curb, we had a huge cart for the eight bags and were heading up the elevator. 45 minutes later I had her unpacked and put away. We chose the right time and we were organized to the TTTTTT. When we returned to the lobby about 2 hours later there were now over fifty families lined up waiting hours to get an elevator and when we returned about 4 hours later the lines were still there and growing. Boy, did we get lucky.

Most of my four days were spent making trips to Kmart, Trader Joes and to a cute little place a block away that is a treasure trove of STUFF for college dorms. I pulled the plastic out of my wallet often. Even though we had prepared and packed amazingly well, there is always some last minute stuff, like a curtain for her closet- it has no doors, and a bathroom plunger, again, we were warned. She needed food, the cafeteria did not open until today. Winter boots were necessary, we found a great sale at Macy's and thanks to Aunt Susan's Graduation gift card, scored a great pair.

I did manage a quick trip here

Times Square in the rain

and here:Tinsel Trading- I have always wanted to see this

Hannah will see this out her window- it is her new world

It all passed in a blur of busy. I left her happy, excited and
already making friends. Slipping through my fingers.

We waited all summer for this trip to arrive and now it is done and suddenly the world is a different one. Colors and sounds are not the same. Walking on a different unfamiliar path.
Every time I feel I'm close to knowing...Think I need to sit down for a while. It's all good.

**sorry no white Wednesday post this week-jet lagged
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