White Wednesday

I have joined a group of bloggers who enjoy primitive white as much as I do. We will all be focusing on white themed blogs each Wednesday. You can link to Faded Charm under my blog list, for participants.

I am so happy to have this opportunity to focus my creative eye onto whites exclusively one day a week. In the near future, I plan to do the same thing in my Etsy shop, so "white primitive" will be the listings on Wednesdays. Give me a little time to catch up though. I am working at the most fabulous house and having way too much fun to think of anything else right now.

The garage sale pile is at five tables, one large clothing rack, and counting. I cannot believe the incredible prices that Susie is placing on her collectibles. I have a list of 10 things I want already.

I know it will be insanely hot Saturday, but that is why preview night is the way to go for you on the inside scoop. So come on by, and there are three ice cream shops within 2 blocks!
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