In the Studio

Bird Nest Primitive Cage with Glittered Eggs
So sweet and whimsical.

Making nests and having fun- One is on Etsy,
but there are more, in fact there is more of everything
as I begin to stockpile for fall show. See anything you like,
just email me.

Making dozens of ribbon tags. Gray Clouds, Green with Envy,
Make Me Blush, Neapolitan Ice Cream. Each collection
embellished with a metal tag and glass topped pins.
I will make custom colors, again, just email me.

Paula and I went antiquing for a short bit today.
Paula bought railroad spikes that she is going to use
for hanging curtains. This was what came home with me.
Grand total of $10.00. Woo-hoo.

The frame will be used for a Christmas Advent I'll sell
in the fall show. Similar to this one:

For those of you new to my Gathering classes,
we made these last year in "Christmas in July".

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