Graduation 6. 9.09

There is no way to express the range of emotions that
ran rampant that afternoon. The pictures will have to
speak for themselves.

The offspring

Proud Papa

The foursome always together
Morgan, Lauren, Hannah, Rose
Morgan and Rose graduated the next day from

So cute!

Lauren, Toni, Vivian, Hannah

Aunt Kathleen and Aunt Mary

Lunch for 10 was at PF Changs and we ate at the
special reserve table in the kitchen. Hannah was
showered with wonderful gifts all day and overwhelmed.

Just before Ben was to leave for Portland, his gift of
the quintessential black down coat for chilly winters at
NYU arrived. Hannah was thrilled and in 95 degree heat
wore it inside for about a half an hour.

Ben's visit was much too brief, we miss him something fierce. He is so busy with Fall of the House and of course his day job, that we are thrilled he was able to get away at all.

It took me all of Wednesday to recover from all the emotion. I took two naps and still only accomplished a run to Karen's with Amy for buttons.

Karen will be at Bead Jungle in Henderson on the 14th from 12-4. Stop on by and check it out.
She also has a booth at Goat Feathers in BC and at the Antique Mall on the left side of highway as you approach BC. At both locations you can find her incredible button bracelets.

To keep me busy Monday I finished up this little beauty... the crown obsession continues, and more are in the works. Some may even appear on Etsy.

The next two days are devoted to Etsy. I have not put anything on recently and I absolutely need to, if I am to have any kind of following. If you stop by for a visit and like what you see, please heart me- it is easy to do.

These rusty cans filled with word tags go on this
evening, (maybe very late this evening) along with
my linen sachet bags.

There are 2 spots remaining for the Gathering. The class closes tomorrow evening.

I am also selling several quilts, mostly vintage blue and white. Email me if you would like to see photos.
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