Weekend Projects

Worked on cleaning my studio yesterday and found a spot for the letters I picked up in Portland. Yes, that's a 5 not an S, but when I realized my mistake, the girl in the shop and I decided we liked that better. The letters have a bent ledge on the back and they hook perfectly over the curtain rod in the studio.

I also had a wire basket lying around for months and tried various photos, cards etc with clips in several spots in the house and was not happy with any of the displays. Yesterday morning I was looking for a necklace and "bink" as most of my ideas come to me, I thought I would try hanging my most frequently worn jewelry on it. I love how it looks. I can see and retrieve all the pieces easily. I did notice, as you will also, that my color choices in jewelry are severely limited. Shiny silver, dull pewter and graphite. Of course my clothes are almost always black, tan, white and grey also. Maybe that is why the oldgreymare appealed to me so much, or maybe it's the fact that without Loreal I would have nothing BUT gray hair?

Amy and I played with my Cricket yesterday and we brainstormed ideas for hours and I was so jazzed when she left that I started on the samples for the paper class. I finished up this booklet at 4:00 this morning. This will be one of the projects. Yours would not be identical to this one because these will all be very personal. I chose to use a bird and nest theme because of Hannah leaving the nest and my empty nest syndrome. This booklet was so much fun to make, I couldn't stop for something as mundane as sleep! Now, it didn't take the whole night to make, I was also working on the other projects at the same time. ( those pics later in the week.)

This pricked paper is another of the projects.
I chose to use mine for my cover.

a sample page

a little journaling

my "boo" has wings

Hannah loved it and it may get tucked into the luggage for New York. I cannot wait to make another one, but which theme should I use, I have dozens percolating now? I have always adored paper, saving scraps from gifts and from store wrappings and my Dad would bring home sample cards from his work in advertising for me to craft with. I still have some, can you believe it!

Scheduling for The Paper Class will be announced soon. Due to the economy I decided to reduce the number of projects, and so the class fee will be reduced also, and class size is limited to eight. Still an all day affair, you still will be fed, and we will have fun as always with all supplies included for you. Maybe a belated Mothers Day Treat?

A heartfelt Happy Mothers Day to all the wonderful Mothers who share in oldgreymare.
An extra special HMD for Amy and Brooklyn's first.