In my studio, tucked into the corner. Can you see the candles flickering?
I seem to be having a love affair with rust and metal lately.

Going on Etsy tomorrow:

New Ephemera boxes only 2 available

All the Goodies- this set is bursting
I could barely close the lid

Packaged all pretty- handmade flower

2 sets of pom pom garlands

Each one has 5 poms- garland about 24" long

Someone asked me the other day if they can buy the primitives directly from me. Yep, you bet!

Busy day- Made chocolate chip cookies ( see April 27th post for recipe) for Hannah's senior friends park picnic, then
Brooklyn brought his Mom by for a visit. Always a wonderful pleasure. Ah, that sweet baby smell.

The dogs of course go nuts. Justice is freaking out, "what is that wiggling thing?" and Howie is peeing cause I am trying to get him to go outside. Any other time he loves to go outside, but not if Brooklyn is here. Howie wants to investigate every inch of him. I try enticing him with "cookies"(dog bones), but he is too smart and doesn't fall for it. Meanwhile Justice swoops in and gobbles up her cookies and his! Smart girl, but she cannot handle that many cookies. I will pay dearly this evening with odiferous reports coming out of the rear of Miss Pooch. I finally get them corralled about 5 minutes before Brooklyn takes his Mom home for a nap. It's bad enough when your kids embarrass you, but your dogs!

I worked on Etsy projects this afternoon and put together my silverware chandelier.
Cleaned a little and tonight I have to clean a lot! Did I do anything I planned to do?
Hah! I guess the fact that I got anything done is progress. The studio is just a hoppin' these days. Haven't felt this creatively buzzed in a long time.This time around I pause every day or two and make something for me. Seems to help the flow.

Have a great weekend everyone. Come back soon. More photos and ideas every day.
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