My House
Homes say a lot about a person. I believe in making a home beautiful and comforting for my family. I did not wait until the kids were grown to use the good stuff. They used the good silver every day and the good dishes, towels and bedding since they were out of diapers.
I wanted the best for those I love the most, and refused to wait for holidays or company to "bring out the show." If we didn't use Grandma Rennie's china, and sleep under antique quilts from Grandma Brooks how would my children have warm memories when these pass to them when I am gone?
The decorating philosophy that works for me is surrounding myself with things that I love and things that serve a useful purpose. I also like to be able to use my things easily and move them from room to room when and if the whim occurs. The palette is very neutral yet not boring in any way to me.
Many people have inquired about my house and so I thought I would give a glimpse into my workspace and also let new prospective students see what it is like to take a class at oldgreymare. These photos were in a 2008 fall issue of Polished magazine which sadly is no longer published.

living room

back porch


family room fireplace

family room

back porch
My home is a warm refuge for my family and friends. I was always surprised when the kid's friends came over and they were excited to see the house. I mistakenly assumed they would think it odd or too different, instead those little kids spied cool things to play with and explore and the current flock of teenagers always remark favorably about the house. The favorite space of everyone is always the back porch. Mine too!
My home also provides many ways for me to express myself in a creative way. The rooms are not stagnant, they do change, not frequently, but certainly often. In fact looking at these pics tonight I notice several changes I have made using the "less is more philosophy." Every time I do these purges means a great garage sale, right girls?
Unless some other coffee filter calamity occurs and I feel the need to blog, I will pause for a few days so that I can finish up the samples, get this class scheduled, and work on Pam's bungalow. It is going to be lovely. Lots of painting ahead, but I can already see them settling in and starting to feel warm and cozy.
Blessings for your days
I wanted the best for those I love the most, and refused to wait for holidays or company to "bring out the show." If we didn't use Grandma Rennie's china, and sleep under antique quilts from Grandma Brooks how would my children have warm memories when these pass to them when I am gone?
The decorating philosophy that works for me is surrounding myself with things that I love and things that serve a useful purpose. I also like to be able to use my things easily and move them from room to room when and if the whim occurs. The palette is very neutral yet not boring in any way to me.
Many people have inquired about my house and so I thought I would give a glimpse into my workspace and also let new prospective students see what it is like to take a class at oldgreymare. These photos were in a 2008 fall issue of Polished magazine which sadly is no longer published.
living room
back porch
family room fireplace
family room

back porch
My home is a warm refuge for my family and friends. I was always surprised when the kid's friends came over and they were excited to see the house. I mistakenly assumed they would think it odd or too different, instead those little kids spied cool things to play with and explore and the current flock of teenagers always remark favorably about the house. The favorite space of everyone is always the back porch. Mine too!
My home also provides many ways for me to express myself in a creative way. The rooms are not stagnant, they do change, not frequently, but certainly often. In fact looking at these pics tonight I notice several changes I have made using the "less is more philosophy." Every time I do these purges means a great garage sale, right girls?
Unless some other coffee filter calamity occurs and I feel the need to blog, I will pause for a few days so that I can finish up the samples, get this class scheduled, and work on Pam's bungalow. It is going to be lovely. Lots of painting ahead, but I can already see them settling in and starting to feel warm and cozy.
Blessings for your days