Four for Etsy
Four of these angels went onto Etsy today. Lovely tags, wire and jingle bells.
All done by hand.
"whenever a bell rings, an angel gets its wings...."
View all the pics by clicking on my Etsy link.
If you stop by my Etsy shop, and like what you see,
please take a moment to add me to your favorites list. The more I am
"hearted" the higher the chance that I will get noticed by the powers that be at Etsy.
Some angel - bowl fillers/ornies will also be listed tonight.
I also have three pom pom garlands to list ASAP. The May 18th post has pics of what they look like. I strung a big one between the two rods in my dining room window. The slight breeze from the air conditioner at the ceiling gives them slight movement and some spin. Pretty.
There are two signed up already for the Gathering class so you may want to consider registering early. I will be posting another sneak peek project we will be doing in class soon. I have to remember to take the picture, and see now is when I need it, but I hate to stop this and go do it has not been done. I'm dancing as fast as I can.
The news on Sue, although serious, we are considering to be good news. She will need surgery and some radiation, but for now, her Doctor feels it has been detected early and has an excellent chance of being curable. I will update again post surgery. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.
I will be cramming a bunch of stuff onto the blog and etsy in the next week, since I will be taking a break during Ben's visit and Graduation festivites. The blog is now being viewed in 16 states! I want to thank everyone who stops by, it means the world to me. To you visitors, who are "as yet unknown" friends please leave me a comment and tell me how you found oldgreymare and where you are from. Georgia, Missouri, Kansas, New York, Indiana, South Carolina. Hello and Welcome!
Tomorrow I have plans for the studio (lights, I've waited 6 years) and the hall craft closet. Pami, bless her heart, will be coming over soon to help with a few projects and then we go back to work on her new office.
June is just around the corner-3 months and counting. New York New York..."Frankie, say it ain't so".... and get that ^%$# song out of my head!