Once upon a mattress
The plan yesterday afternoon was for Pam and I to go check out her new rental house here and brain storm ideas for low cost decorating, since she has beautiful enormous home in UT. Owners/landlords however, were still packing up when we arrived, so plans to walk around and talk about all the changes we were going to make was not appropriate.
Of course we headed off to eat instead.
Nourishment accomplished, we then trekked over to Big Lots to check out cheap couches and mattresses for her. One hour later I had bought a new mattress...HUH? While explaining the benefits of buying a queen there instead of full ( because she already has those size linens) as she had planned, and buying last night because of addt'l $200.00 off, I had begun "sampling" the comforts of each bed myself. I have been having some trouble sleeping since returning from Portland and loved the super soft pillow top I had in my room there. Well, one quick hop onto Big Lots most expensive set and.....heaven......just like Portland. Pam and I started talking about our sheet sets and what to do with my extra full size mattress and Ding Ding we have a winner! We both got mattresses and she is buying my full size guest set at great price to put in their second bedroom for grandson Ryan and she already has sheet set etc. I get some extra money to help pay for my new master bedroom set and I'll move my current queen set from master into guest room to comfort tall son when he comes to visit. So sad to see his feet sticking out end of current mattress. We still have a few hollywood frame issues to resolve (anyone have any unused in their garage?) but by Thursday we should both be comfy cozy in our new beds. The set will cost me just $47o after discounts and sale of full size. Orig price of Serta set is $900 I believe. They sell for $749. Last night we got $200.00 off, and I sold full set for $125. Her deal is better. Hers comes with a man.
We still have couch issue ( again, anyone selling any?) but I'm sure we'll come up with another great plan. This house is going to be a creative challenge but I love it. It is more fun to work with smaller budget, more ideas spring forth. Plus, it just makes sense to save money and small budgets are where I thrive. I already sent Pam an email this morning at 6 am telling her to call me because I had ideas last night. (couldn't sleep again) I will try to post progress pics.
Speaking of decorating challenges....May is another discount month. For May only, my hourly is only $17.00 an hour for most jobs. The job must be completed in May. Spring cleaning anyone?
Listening to flu updates. Wash your hands, wash your hands, friends. I wish they would help calm some nerves by reminding people how many THOUSANDS of people die here each year from other forms of flu. Yes, this is serious, but the %$#@$% media loves to incite fear. One of the local tv stations was interviewing people in NLV asking them if they were afraid to live near pig farms there? That will help, how?
I can't wait to come back and check my email this afternoon, I just know I'm going to find photos from you, my oldgreymare friends.
Enjoy the beautiful day!