Amy and I and Blogging

My new friend Amy has inspired me to get my creative blog juices flowing and so I have been planning new ideas for the blog and I am going to be dedicating the next few months to finding incredible women artists to share with you. One of the things I intended from the beginning is to connect creative women and to feature their art for others to enjoy.

There are quite a few of you out there already who regularly stop by oldgreymare (and thank you!) but now I want you to get more involved. Please send me pics of what you are currently working on, creating, decorating etc. and I will post pics to share with everyone else. This serves a dual purpose. One, it showcases your work and I will link to your email or website so you can sell your wares if you so desire and two, it just may inspire another visitor to start a project herself.

Talking to Amy today about our blogging and learning by having more mistakes than successes, reminded me how much easier everything is when we support each other. We laughed about each others blogging bloopers and it takes away any of the fears I have about not knowing enough.

Amy is my first follower, but don't let her sit there by herself, even though she looks adorable in her crocheted hat. If you need help becoming a follower, let me know. You can link directly to Amy's blog by clicking on mittens and from her blog you can go to her etsy site. Guaranteed smiles from baby Brooklyn.

This also means I will be posting more frequently, but in order to not become a nuisance I will not send an email each time I post, unless it is for a specific dated event. I may send a weekly email listing blog topics. We'll see how it goes.

I will have a necklace pic from Sarah very soon (right Sarah?). Many of you have admired the gorgeous birds nest necklace she made for me. Well, wait to you see her beaded bead necklace! Her work is simply amazing, so check back often to see her photo.

I hope to have some pics waiting in my email soon.
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