Hannah's awards / Finish it Day

Frank Riolo Award

Mrs Potter and fellow award/merit winners from GV

Hannah's BFFs at awards ceremony

Hannah entered two art competitions this month and won four certificates of merit at the first and the Frank Riolo award at the second and $500.00. Go Hannah! Hannah is now 5 for 5 with the schools. Heard from 5, accepted to 5. The big prize, Brown/RISD dual program, she will hear from in early April.

Finish it Day

Crocheting/Painting/Advent Tags

Pam's finished advent board- soooo pretty

My project- before - finished sanding it down
Dresser should be finished today-watch blog for photo

Finish it Day was spent mostly in the garage because three of us were painting. We had a lovely day for it. I was slow going on my project but I completed painting it the next day and today I will put on the final wax coat and it will be done. I had purchased the dresser at Salvation Army over a year ago and had tried to sell it, but no takers. It was an impulse buy, and I could not find the right spot for it. When I scheduled Finish it Day, I thought I might as well work on it and get it out of the garage. I love how it looks and I'm grateful no one else saw it's potential and bought it from me.

Hannah and I are still enjoying the leftover bagel smear Sue made, the delicious, tummy warming bread pudding from Paula, and the homemade salsa from Amy, (Hannah's favorite). Kudos ladies! We are also eating the dozen rolls I forgot to serve with lunch. Seems to be a new tradition with each class, Suzan forgets to serve some of the food. Will someone please ask at each event from now on, what the complete menu is? I even had it on the list on the fridge and still forgot! Senior moments. Argh! Speaking of senior..I used a senior discount for the very first time at Savers last week. They have senior Tuesdays and Hannah was there buying a vest. I saved $.32 cents. Wow! It really pays to be old.

My dear friend Kristin is coming into town this week and I cannot wait to go out and play. I miss her. She and her lovely family live in Idaho now, they escaped Vegas a couple of years ago. Kristin has a heart of gold, and how she manages a beautiful home full of five small boys and a husband is beyond me...and she always looks so pretty doing it.

Special thoughts and prayers go out to Amy, Pam and Macky. love you guys