Good Things

Remembering dear Libbey - I miss her.

Hannah just found out Tuesday she got one of her paintings into another show, this after winning four certificates of merit at another show 2 weeks ago. We were very happy with the news and then the next day I received a call from the legal counsel of a CEO of one of the local casinos and he, the CEO, wanted to buy the painting for $500.00. Some of you know the painting, it is the one that hangs (used to hang) in my bedroom. The painting is of Hannah's blue jeaned legs and her ratty old "chucks" sneakers. Although she is reluctant to sell it, it will help with her spending money for college. I'm sad to see it go, it was a favorite.

Speaking of college, Hannah has heard from three and been accepted to three. We're still anxiously awaiting word from the rest.

A Happy Birthday shout out today to my dear friends Pam and Lorene. Happy Birthday Ladies! You both are still looking mighty fine, and have the kindness to match.

So far we have four for Finish it Day. C'mon, get registered. You don't have to stay all day if you are not able, come for a couple of hours at least. I just know there are projects out there, dusty, neglected and in need of help. This really does work. You will accomplish something, I promise! Scrapbook, organize some pictures, cut strips for quilting, bind a quilt. Crochet, knit, or hook a rug. Make jewelry, paint small wood pieces or make cards. You could even finish a project from a Gathering! There's an idea. I know there are advent tags still not completed.......Housework can wait, besides they say it's going to rain and if it really pours there is no better place to be than on my back porch listening to the rain hit that tin roof.

Further temptation. I am making my enormous chocolate chunk cookies...come and get 'em....