Buttons Buttons- Go get the Buttons!
Twice now I have purchased amazing buttons from Karen Vornsand. These buttons are incredible, and Karen hand cleans each and every one. There are no dirty strings and left over wire bits, and her knowledge of types and materials used is valuable info to a novice like me. When I'm sifting my hands through trays of buttons, I have to tell you, it makes me a little giddy. One after another I spy a special one, only to squeal as I grab up another that becomes my "new best one!" It will be difficult to part with these for upcoming classes but that is my intent.
This red beauty nestled in a pile of browns I purchased, is one of her bracelets. Some of you snatched up these bracelets at Doodlebug last December. Each unique and wonderful, but be prepared to be stopped everywhere you go with "Where did you get that?" and "I want one!"
You can see and purchase her buttons this coming Sunday the 22nd at Bead Jungle from 12-4. 1550 W Horizon Ridge here in Henderson. Bring some friends and please tell Karen I sent you. Karen will be happy to tell you where you can purchase her jewelry and about any upcoming button classes etc.
Seriously, dear friends.... Button Button- Go get the Buttons!
Watch for photo of my new wallet from Amy Gonzalez. We played email and phone tag all yesterday or I would already have it. I cannot wait to use it. When I saw Amy's wallet at Doodle, I gasped and said "Where did you get that? and "I want one!" Where have I heard that before? hmmmm. I gave her a stack of favorite brown fabrics and had her make me a "primitive" one but her standard styles are all about bright colors and jazzy fabrics that are too, too cute.