Benjamin and Hannah will be proud
The kids will not believe that I did this on my own without nagging them for help. Tonight was another sleepless night, so why not give it a try? Please bear with me as I learn to navigate these treacherous waters of the internet and blogging. I will attempt to learn quickly and try to be if not entertaining, then informative.
Oldgreymare will make information about Gathering classes and folk art and primitives that I am showing or selling more assessable. I hope to include some free patterns from time to time and also share ideas, maybe recipes, who knows? I'm going to just wait and see where this takes me.
I want to include some photos from my recent trip to see Penny and Angela in TN, but first I will have to learn how to do that! We did a very small section of the 127 corridor sale while I was there. That is the 400 mile garage sale through five states. I quite simply, adore my visits to TN. You couldn't ask for better friends, kinder hospitality and Franklin is, to me, heaven.
Someday, hopefully, please dear Lord, get me to TN! For now, I'll be getting to bed where I will be reading the second book from the Twilight series. Hannah and her friends are just crazy for them and I had to see what all the fuss was about. The five girls spent days curled up on my couch reading the books in early August. Ok, a little embarrassing, but I did enjoy the first one. shhh Please don't tell anyone.